June 15, 2009

A weekend at home!

It was so nice to spend a lazy weekend at home. Jerry and I had date night in, pizza and a movie when we looked out the windows and saw the stunning sunset! We just sat there watching the sky turn colors, it was really beautiful! It was a nice reminder to slow things down and recognize the beauty that is just outside. On Saturday we went on a hike, again the landscape was picturesque.

June 9, 2009

Big Sur

Our weekend getway to Big Sur

Jerry and I had the best weekend! We got up early and headed to the coast, we were meeting some friends at Big Sur to camp for the night. It was a lot closer then we thought, and the weather was perfect! It was one of those weekends where you just knew everything was going to be wonderful. We stopped at our favorite bakery that is just down from the camp ground, Jerry had a strawberry pastry and I had a ham and cheese crescent. The trip to this bakery is worth the drive alone! Then we went to the camp site and to our surprise it was right on the river, it was gorgeous! I started planning my next trip with my family in my mind. The next morning, we took another trip to the bakery, Chris and Cindy had headed back to S.F. but the weather was so nice Jerry and I wanted to take advantage of it. We headed up the coast a bite to Julia Pfeiffer State Park, and did a short and easy hike to Mcway Falls. After enjoying the views we hit the beach, we had a afternoon of picnicing, throwing Frisbee, and soaking up the sun. It was a perfect end to my perfect weekend, with my perfect hubby! I wish we could do this every weekend, so come out and visit us, so then we have an excuse to do this again soon!

May 27, 2009

Stained Glass Class

Tomorrow is my last stained glass class, and I actually think I'm going to finish my project this time! Tonight I finished all the foiling, I hope it turns out ok. I'm making it for my mother in law, I know she will love anything I do!!!

Oakland Temple!

Death Valley!

The sun sets were amazing, it looked like the sky was on fire!

Memorial Day 2009.

Death Valley!

Ubehebe crater - Ubehebe is by far the largest crater, 2,400 feet in diameter and 500 feet deep

The lowest place in North America and one of the lowest places in the world at 282 feet below sea level.